Page 47 - ar2011_2012

SEO Version

The Company has established a procedure for recording and reporting interested person
transactions. Details of signifcant interested person transactions for the fnancial year ended
31 March 2012 are set out below:
Name of interested person
Aggregate value of all
IPT during the fnancial year
ended 31 March 2012
(excluding transactions
below $100,000)
Aggregate value of all
IPT conducted under
shareholders mandate pursuant
to Rule 920 (excluding
transactions below $100,000)
Subsidiaries of Singapore
Shipping Corporation Limited
● Rental income
Subsidiaries of Cougar
Logistics Corporation Limited
● Rental income
All the above IPT were concluded on normal commercial terms.
There were no other material contracts or loan entered into by the Company and its subsidiaries
involving the interests of the chief executive offcer, directors or controlling shareholder, which
are either subsisting at the end of the fnancial year or, if not then subsisting, entered into since
the end of the previous fnancial year.
Corporate Governance Statement