Page 46 - ar2011_2012

SEO Version

b. Dealings in Company’s Securities
The Group has implemented appropriate guidelines on dealings in the Company’s securities
in compliance with the best practices as set out in Rule 1207(18) of the SGX-ST Listing
Manual. All Directors and staff of the Group are not allowed to trade in the Company’s
securities during the periods commencing two weeks before the announcement of the
Group’s quarterly fnancial results, and one month before the announcement of the Group’s
half-year and full year fnancial results. To facilitate compliance, reminders are issued to all
directors and staff prior to the applicable trading black-outs. Our directors and staff, who are
expected to observe insider trading laws at all times, are also discouraged from dealing in
the Company’s securities on short-term considerations.
(Principles 14 and 15)
The Company places great emphasis on regular, effective and open communication with our
shareholders. The announcements of the Group’s results and material developments are
released through SGXNET to the SGX’s website in a timely manner to ensure fair disclosure of
All shareholders receive the annual report and notices of all shareholder meetings. The notices
for such meetings are also advertised in a local newspaper and made available on SGXNET.
The chairpersons of the various board committees and the external auditors are invited to be
present at our general meetings to address any queries from our shareholders.
Corporate Governance Statement