e. Board performance
(Principle 5)
The fduciary responsibilities of the Board include the following:
● Conduct itself with proper due diligence and care
● Act in good faith
● Comply with applicable laws
● Act in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders at all times
In addition, the Board is charged with key responsibilities of leading the Group and setting
strategic directions.
The Company holds the belief that the Group’s performance and that of the Board are
directly related. The Company assesses the Board’s performance through its ability to steer
the Group in the right direction and the support it renders to the management during diffcult
times. For the purpose of evaluating directors’ performance, the NC takes into consideration
a number of factors including the directors’ attendance, participation and contributions at the
main board and board committee meetings and other Company’s activities.
The NC uses its best efforts to ensure that directors appointed to the Board possess the
necessary background, experience, skills and knowledge in management, business and
fnance, critical to the Group’s business; and that each director is able to contribute his
perspective, thus allowing effective decisions to be made. The NC conducts reviews of the
Board’s performance, taking into account inputs from the other Board members.
f. Access to information
(Principle 6)
The Board is provided with timely and complete information, prior to Board meetings and as
and when necessary. New members are briefed on the business activities of the Group.
The Board has separate and independent access to the senior management and the
Company Secretary at all times. If necessary, the Board may, in furtherance of their duties,
obtain independent professional advice at the Company’s expense.
The Company Secretary attends all board meetings, ensures that established procedures
and regulatory requirements as well as board policies are complied with and that the directors
receive appropriate training as necessary.
Corporate Governance Statement