c. Role of Executive Chairman (“Chairman”) and Chief Executive Offcer (“CEO”)
(Principle 3)
Mr Ow Chio Kiat is the Chairman and CEO. The role of the Chairman is not separate from
that of the CEO as the Board believes that there is adequate accountability and transparency
as refected in the internal controls established within the Group.
Executive Committee (“Exco”)
Moreover the Board has delegated to the Exco the powers to supervise the management of
the Group’s business activities. The Exco comprises:
Mr Ow Chio Kiat
Mr Ow Cheo Guan
Mr Wong Hung Khim
Mr Ow Cheo Guan is the Deputy Chairman of the Company. The Executive Chairman and
the Executive Deputy Chairman are brothers.
The Exco’s responsibilities include reviewing and approving investments or divestments,
other than operational expenditure or disposals that are conducted in the ordinary course
of business.
The Chairman is assisted by the management team in the daily operations and administration
of the Group’s business activities and in the effective implementation of the Group’s business
strategies. Information on key executives are set out at pages 39 and 40 of this Annual Report.
The Chairman also oversees the workings of the Board, ensuring that the Board is able
to perform its duties and that there is a fow of information between the Board and the
management. The Chairman reviews most of the board papers before they are presented
to the Board. The management staff who have prepared the papers, or who may provide
additional insights, are invited to present the papers or attend the board meetings.
Corporate Governance Statement