Stamford Land Corporation Ltd (the “Company”) is committed to complying with the principles
and guidelines of the Code of Corporate Governance 2005 (the “Code”), so as to ensure greater
transparency and protection of shareholders’ interests. This statement outlines the main corporate
governance practices that were in place or implemented during the fnancial year.
a. Board’s conduct of its affairs
(Principle 1)
The current Board of Directors comprises six directors and their principal functions are as
● Formulate corporate strategies, fnancial objectives and directions for the Group
● Ensure effective management leadership of the highest quality and integrity
● Provide oversight in the proper conduct of the Group’s businesses
● Oversee and/or evaluate the adequacy of the internal audit, risk management, fnancial
reporting and compliance processes
● Oversee and ensure high standards of corporate governance for the Group
The Board also deliberates and makes decisions on material acquisitions and disposal of
assets, corporate restructuring, dividend payments and other returns to shareholders and on
matters that may involve a confict of interest for any director.
All new directors are given an orientation of the Group’s business and governance practices,
and all directors have access to information and further training on new developments,
including new laws, regulations and changing commercial risks, at the Company’s expense.
To effciently discharge its responsibilities, the Board has established several board
committees, namely, the Executive Committee, Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee
and Nominating Committee. These committees are given specifc responsibilities and they
are empowered by the Board to deal with matters within the limits of authority set out in the
terms of reference of their appointment. They assist the Board operationally without the
Board losing authority over major issues.
The Board holds at least four scheduled meetings each year to review and deliberate on
the key activities and business strategies of the Group, including signifcant acquisitions and
disposals, annual budget, fnancial performance and to endorse the release of the quarterly
and annual results. Where necessary, additional meetings are held to address signifcant
transactions or issues arising from the business operations of the Group.
Corporate Governance Statement