that the 34th Annual General Meeting of Stamford Land Corporation Ltd
(the “Company”) will be held at Klapsons, The Boutique Hotel – eighteen. 1 & 2 at Level 18, 15 Hoe
Chiang Road, Tower Fifteen, Singapore 089316 on Thursday, 26 July 2012 at 2:30 p.m. to transact
the following business:
1. To receive and adopt the Audited Financial Statements for the fnancial year ended 31 March
2012 and the Directors’ Report and Auditors’ Report thereon.
(Resolution 1)
2. To declare a fnal dividend (one-tier tax exempt) of 2.0 cents per ordinary share and a special
dividend (one-tier tax exempt) of 2.0 cents per ordinary share for the fnancial year ended
31 March 2012.
(Resolution 2)
3. To approve the payment of Directors’ Fees of $240,000 for the fnancial year ended 31 March
(Resolution 3)
4. To re-elect Dr Tan Chin Nam, who is retiring in accordance with Article 91 of the Articles of
Association of the Company, as a Director.
Note: Dr Tan Chin Nam will, upon his re-election as Director, remain as Chairman of the
Remuneration Committee and member of the Audit Committee. He is considered independent
for the purposes of Rule 704(8) of the Listing Manual of the Singapore Exchange Securities
Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”).
(Resolution 4)
5. To re-elect Mr Mark Anthony James Vaile, who is retiring in accordance with Article 91 of the
Articles of Association of the Company, as a Director.
Note: Mr Mark Anthony James Vaile will, upon his re-election as Director, remain as Chairman
of the Nominating Committee, and member of the Audit and Remuneration Committees. He is
considered independent for the purposes of Rule 704(8) of the Listing Manual of the SGX-ST.
(Resolution 5)
6. To note the retirement of Mr Wong Hung Khim. Mr Wong, who was previously appointed pursuant
to Section 153(6) of the Companies Act, Cap. 50 has decided not to seek re-appointment.
Note: Mr Wong Hung Khim, will retire as a Director of the Company at the conclusion of the
Annual General Meeting. Upon Mr Wong’s retirement, he will cease to be Chairman of the Audit
Committee and member of the Executive, Remuneration and Nominating Committees. The
appointment of his replacement for each Committee will be announced in due course.
7. To re-appoint KPMG LLP as Auditors of the Company and to authorise the Directors to fx their
(Resolution 6)
Company Registration No. 197701615H (Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore)
Notice of Annual General Meeting And Books Closure